A random collection of links I have found that I think may come in use later.
A lot can happen in a year
Open source beautiful icons
Social media but for developers!
Super cool palette generator with the ability to visualize them in various layouts like websites, mobile UI, typography, etc. It’s a little too colorful as it doesn’t support monotone palettes very well.
Same as above but better for monotone palettes AND provides CSS, but doesn’t provide a light mode variant ???
reclaim.ai, ticktick, todoist
Various productivity tools, I currently use ticktick for habit tracking and tasks
Inspired my usage of obsidian as a note taking tool, I’m fascinated by the idea of publicizing my learning.
This essentially talks about making a better use of time by “stressing” yourself out with a deadline. Just like how we manage to get an essay written an hour before midnight. May be a useful technique for Self Discipline and Goal Setting.