
Looks like I’m going to use Astro as my static site generator, I’ve heard great things about it. Also going to use TailwindCSS as I want to get a better feel for CSS frameworks.


What do I want in my site?

  • Intro component
  • Undergrad work
  • Postgrad projects
  • Contact
  • Socials
    I value simplicity and less for more.

What NOT to forget

  • Accessibility
  • Theming
  • Responsive on different screen sizes

Things I like

I like these button-tag-things

Will use these icons: https://icon-sets.iconify.design/skill-icons/page-4.html?keyword=skill-icon

Versus the smaller ones

Interesting colors

Smooth scrolling

Docs (for me)


Found in globals.css and tailwind.config.mjs which are used for consistent theming and reduces the need for dark: class variants for each element.