Backstory: Working at a restaurant, my meals started becoming repetitive and less inspired. I wished there was a way that I could spin a wheel and it would give me a random recipe I could try. What if the wheel first decided between a sandwich or a salad before then moving on to the respective wheel for say, a salad. The salad wheel would select 1-2 dressings, 1-3 greens, and 3-5 vegetables, all with different weights from their respective wheels. What I’m describing is called a decision tree in combinatorial data analysis and can be found from AI (see mini-max algorithm), to finance, to game theory.
An example from, a much more robust and advanced version of what I am describing.
I want to create something like this but for simpler and quick use cases as a web app. Additionally, I would like them to be shareable just like most spin-the-wheel websites.
React (+React Flow library) and Tailwind